Why ProntoParalegal?
With ProntoParalegal, you are in charge. You create your assignment, choose the help you need, track your projects until the work is complete, thereby maximizing your workday. Our paralegal and support staff are prepared to handle everything from answering phones to hearing/trial assistance whether the need is remote or on-site.
ProntoParalegal Packages
Whether you need assistance with general office support, filing/organization, notary services, translation, document preparation, exhibit and trial preparation, or even assistance at a deposition, hearing, or trial, ProntoParalegal has the package for you! All packages are for a 30-day period.
Why ProntoParalegal?
Why It’s Worth It: Anything that allows you to maximize your billable hours is always worth it. ProntoParalegal does just that. By pairing you with an experienced paralegal or legal assistant/secretary, ProntoParalegal gives you that ability. Additionally, the assistance provided can be completed remotely so as not to increase your overhead spend.
With ProntoParalegal, you are in charge. You create your assignment, chose the help you need, track your projects until the work is complete, thereby maximizing your workday. Our paralegal and legal assistant/secretaries are prepared to handle everything from answering phones to hearing/trial assistance whether the need is remote or on-site.