Team Pronto
ProntoGroup is the vision of our CEO, Ethan P. Halpern, who saw a need for developing revolutionary applications that focus on workplace efficiency and cost reduction. With his work as a litigation paralegal and exposure to law firms, both large and small, Ethan determined that smaller law firms always had extra work that needed to be completed but not enough to warrant hiring a full-time employee, not to mention the additional overhead costs and tax implications.
As Ethan himself started helping an attorney friend on the side, he realized that there is a real need for non-attorney work that needed to be completed but not enough for full time employment. Based on this demand, ProntoGroup’s first product, ProntoParalegal, was created. ProntoParalegal is an app-based product to match services needed by the law firm with people who have the skill set that matches the request. ProntoParalegal is the first of its kind to be entirely app-based and ProntoGroup will continue to develop apps that leverage mobile technology with business needs.

Meet the Team